Social Events for Outside the Program
Program Events

- 1945 – After World War II, Stanford University plans to expand research of Oriental languages
- 1949 – The Republic of China moves to Taiwan
- 1950 – The Korean War breaks out, the United States Seventh Fleet help protect the Taiwan Strait, and various European and American Chinese centers in China move to Taiwan
- 1960 – U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower visits Taiwan
- 1962 (May 10) – NTU provides Stanford Center with a building, and rents it out for $1 a year as a symbolic gesture
- 1962 (May) – The preparation committee confirms the personnel for Taipei’s Chinese research center, and Albert E. Dien takes office as the first Director
- 1962 (June) – The Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs help teachers and students apply for visas and handle other matters upon coming to Taiwan
- 1962 (September 26) – Stanford University’s Chinese Cultural Studies Institute – known informally as the “Stanford Center” – is established, with the program located on the third floor of NTU’s New Student Building
- 1962 (November 2) – The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Education, NTU, and various representatives of the academic world gather for the party celebrating the establishment of the program
- 1963 – Upon receiving donations and subsidies from the Carnegie Foundation and the Ford Foundation, the Stanford Center begins the expansion into the Inter-University Program for Chinese Language Studies (IUP), and also adds new undergraduate courses
- 1963 – Cornell University, Harvard University, Columbia University, Princeton University, University of California, Berkeley, University of Washington and Stanford University set up the IUP Board of Directors
- 1963 – A mailbox is set up to send and receive books banned by the KMT, becoming one of the few academic institutions in Taiwan to import such publications
- 1963 (August) – Director Dien confers with NTU President Chien Shih-Liang and confirms the October move to the Chemical Engineering Building (NTU’s Building No. 7).
- 1971- Professor David D. Buck takes over as Director
- 1971 (March) – The Ministry of Education requires the program to provide material to be used in the annual report on education in Taiwan
- 1971 (July and October) – United States Director of National Security Henry Alfred Kissinger makes two secret trips to China
- 1971 (October) – The Republic of China exits the United Nations
- 1979 – IUP Board of Directors releases a public statement denying any move to mainland China
- 1979 (January) – The United States establishes formal diplomatic ties with mainland China
- 1979 (February) – Chiang Kai-shek International Airport (now Taoyuan International Airport) begins operations
- 1979 (December) – The Meilidao Incident, also known as the Kaohsiung Incident, occurs
- 1982 (March) – The program collaborates with National Taiwan Normal University and the American Institute in Taiwan Chinese Language and Area Studies School to form a three-party group working on a project to promote Teaching Chinese Language as a Foreign Language
- 1982 (August) – Professor James E. Dew takes over as Director
- 1983 (April) – NTU tears down Building No. 7, and IUP must move temporarily to the New Student Building
- The Executive Secretary of the Board of Directors, professor Lyman Slyke, takes to the media to clear up the rumors about moving to mainland China
- 1983 (August) – The Ministry of Science and Technology offers 4 scholarships a year for professors from American universities to come to the program
- 1983 (April) – Newspapers spread rumors Stanford Center might move to mainland China
- 1983 (May) – NTU establishes the Language Center, dividing it into two groups: “Foreign Language” and “Chinese Language”
- 1988 (April) – The program’s own textbook, Thoughts and Society, is completed
- 1988 – IUP’s 25th meeting of the Board of Directors is held in Taiwan, and passes a statute to allow teachers to apply for labor insurance
- 1988 – Chiang Ching-kuo passes away, and Lee Teng-hui takes over as president of ROC
- 1991 – The program begins working with the University of California’ Educational Abroad Program, establishing a program for the University of California
- 1991 (September) – Professor Shou-hsin Teng takes over as Director
- 1991 (May) – The “Temporary Provisions Effective During the Period of National Mobilization for the Suppression of the Communist Rebellion” is repealed
- 1992 – The program trains full-time teachers in computer information skills
- The program works to improve teacher’s professional competence as well as skills in the research and development of language proficiency test and language rules
- Essay topics for the entrance exam are revised
- Talks on Chinese Culture and Thoughts and Society are digitized
- 1992 – Deng Xiaoping makes his famous Southern Tour of China
- 1992 (July) – The Taiwan Garrison Command is dissolved
- 1995 (April) – The program works in conjunction with NTU to hold the seminar called “Taiwan Today: Culture and Technology,” and publishes a collection of theses
- 1995 (September) – NTNU establishes the first research institute for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, and Professor Shou-hsin Teng serves as the first head of the program
- 1997 (August) – National Taiwan University assumes administrative responsibility for IUP. IUP is renamed the International Chinese Language Program (ICLP); Professor Leung Yanwing takes over as Director
- 1997 – Sovereignty of Hong Kong is transferred from Britain to China
- 1997 – Inter-University Program for Chinese Language Study moves to Tsinghua University in Beijing
- 1998 (January) – ICLP officially opens
- 1998 (January- April) – Controversy arises as to whether or not the Ministry of Education will subsidize ICLP
- 1998 (March) – ICLP signs an agreement with IUP’s Board of Directors
- 1998 (September) – ICLP plans and implements a Chinese-language training course for diplomats from Australia and New Zealand, and establishes a plan for long-term collaboration with Australia and New Zealand
- 1999 (June) – “Regulations Governing the Establishment of NTU Language Center” is revised and passed, dividing the old Language Center into the Chinese Language Division, NTU Language Center, and ICLP
- 1999 – Sovereignty of Macau transferred from Portugal to China
- 1999 (September 21) – Earthquake hits Chichi in Nantou county
- 2000 – Set up “First Chinese Teacher’s Training Program” in co-operation with the Chinese Language Division
- 2000 (November) – ICLP teachers attend the 2000 American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Annual Convention and World Languages Expo, and publish a thesis entitled “Chinese Modal Particles: Small but Important”
- 2000 (March) – Chen Shui-bian elected in Taiwan’s second direct presidential election
- 2003 (April) – In collaboration with the Chinese Language Division, the program holds the “First Advanced Teacher Course for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language”
- 2003 – The Overseas Chinese Affairs Council (Taiwan) commissions ICLP to write test questions for the Chinese Proficiency Test in Indonesia
- 2003 – SARS epidemic breaks out
- 2006 (January) – Teacher Salary Accounts are moved from Hua Nan Bank to Chunghwa Post
- 2006 (August) – Professor Ying Hsiao-ling takes over as Director
- 2006 (October) – Shou-hsin Teng visits ICLP to give a lecture on the topic “Investigations into Problems Classifying Chinese Parts of Speech and Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language”
- 2007 (May) – ICLP Instructors Chen Li-Yuan, Fann Meei-yuan, and Chai Jing-jing research and develop “Methods and Systems for Production of Instructional Materials, and Machine Readable Medium Thereof”, which receives a patent from the Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs (patented in the United States in 2008)
- 2007 (June) – ICLP plans and implements NTU’s “Special Initiative to Develop Software for the Self-Study of Chinese Pronunciation”; results are announced to the public.
- 2007 (August) – Professor Hsiu-Chih Tsai takes over as Director
- ICLP hosts “Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language: Making Sense of Grammar Points” Workshop
- ICLP participates in the NTU Language Center’s Conference, “International Chinese Language Pedagogy in Theory and in Practice”
- 2007 (October) – Professor Leung Yanwing takes over as Director
- 2007 (November) – A group of ICLP teachers participate in ACTFL Annual Convention and World Languages Expo and deliver the paper “A Presentation of Efficient L2 Teaching Techniques for Adult Learners”
- 2008 (July) – ICLP hosts the inaugural “Chinese Language Advanced Training Course for Overseas Teachers” in co-operation with Beijing Language and Culture University
- 2008 (September) – ICLP’s own instructional materials “Business Topics” and “A Textbook for High-Level Diplomatic Chinese” make use of Professor Shou-hsin Teng’s system for classifying parts of speech.
- 2008 (December) – University of California, Santa Barbara lecturer Chen-Chuan Hsu leads a group to ICLP
- ICLP hosts a series of workshops on the topic “Symbols for Representing Chinese Parts of Speech”
- 2008 (March) – Ma Ying-jeou elected in Taiwan’s fourth direct presidential election
- 2009 (January) – First issue of ICLP’s Newsletter; Huang Hui-Feng serves as faculty editor; Hsiang-Nien Hsu and Bryan Beaudoin serve as student editors
- 2009 (May) – ICLP hosts an inter-collegiate debate competition and invites students from NTU and Chengchi debate clubs to participate
- 2009 (June) – Student delegates in the Institute of Chinese Studies at Pusan National University visit ICLP
- 2009 (November) – A small group of teachers receive a grant from the Ministry of Education to participate in ACTFL Annual Convention and World Languages Expo, and present the paper “The Pedagogical Function of Modern Chinese Parts of Speech”
- Addition of “Language Mission Week” into the ICLP curriculum.
- 2010 (March) – “Oral Interpretation,” “Written Translation,” “Debate,” “Broadcast Chinese,” “Chinese for Tourism” and other courses offered for the first time
- ICLP begins offering evening courses in Chinese Language Teacher Training
- 2010 (May) – ICLP students participate in the 36th Da-Zheng Inter-Collegiate Political Debate Contest, hosted by Chengchi University, and win third place
- 2010 (July) – Shou-hsin Teng visits ICLP to give a public lecture on “Canonical and Non-Canonical Structures in Chinese”
- 2010 (December) – A delegation from ICLP visits Italy to participate in academic exchange
- 2010 – Publication of “Situational Chinese” self-study series
- 2010 – Researches and develops NTU’s Chinese language proficiency test
- 2011 (July) – Professor Shou-hsin Teng comes to ICLP to present the lecture “Information Structures of Chinese and Its Pedagogy.”
- 2011 (September) – Students at the Japanese National Police Academy come to ICLP
- 2011 (November) – A group of ICLP teachers participate in ACTFL Annual Convention and World Languages Expo and present the paper “Performing Chinese: Multifaceted Applications of TBLT that Accelerate Language Acquisition.”
- 2011 – National Taiwan University establishes a Master’s Program in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language
- 2012 (February) – A delegation from ICLP visits Spain to participate in academic exchange
- 2012 (June) – ICLP hosts a special course for students from Hunter College and Wesleyan University
- 2012 (November) – A group of teachers participate in the ACTFL Annual Convention and World Languages Expo and present the paper “Chinese Information Structure and Its Pedagogical Implications”
- 2012 (March) – Ma Ying-jeou re-elected in Taiwan’s fifth direct presidential election
- 2013 (June) – ICLP partners with the Chinese Flagship Program
- 2013 (September) – ICLP hosts a series of workshops on the topic “Observations on Chinese Style and the Compilation of Teaching Materials”
- 2013 (November) – Taipei District Court decides National Taiwan University must provide severance pay for fired Chinese language teachers
- 2015 (August) – Professor Chin-Jung Chiu becomes Director; Professor Wei. H Kao becomes Deputy Director
- 2015 (November) – Founding of ICLP History Research Group, whose members include teachers and student volunteers
- 2015 (December) – ICLP is promoted to a second-level institute within National Taiwan University
- 2016 – ICLP puts forward a plan to have students volunteer in local elementary and middle schools
- 2016 (September) – Students in ICLP newspaper classes participate in the “PeoPo Citizen Journalism” program on Taiwanese public television
- 2016 (October) – Establishment of “ICLP Teaching Method Advanced Chinese Language Teacher Training Course”
- 2016 (October) – ICLP Alumni and Friends Association is established. Joseph R. Allen appointed as the inaugural Chair
- 2016 (March) – Tsai Ing-wen elected in Taiwan’s sixth direct presidential election
- 2017 (September) – ICLP delegation participates in Fachverband Chinesisch (The Association for Chinese Language Teaching in German-Speaking Areas)’s “Twentieth International Chinese Language Pedagogy Conference”
- 2017 (October) – ICLP hosts “NTU’s Cosmopolitan Corner: Historical Exhibition & Forum of the 55th Anniversary of ICLP”