已拆除之木造七號館走廊 (1960年代)
Corridor of Wooden Building # 7 in the 1960s – demolished.
北港媽祖廟考察 A field trip to the Mazu Temple in Beigang.
1966年杜爾文教授(James E. Dew)接任所長
Prof. James E. Dew assumed office as Director in 1966.
Multimedia teaching in early days
Party, State, and Local Elites in Republican China: Merchant Organizations and Politics in Shanghai, 1890-1930
作者:Fewsmith, Joseph
書目:Fewsmith, Joseph. Party, State, and Local Elites in Republican China: Merchant Organizations and Politics in Shanghai, 1890-1930. Honolulu, HI: University of Hawaii Press, 1985.