已拆除之木造七號館走廊 (1960年代)
Corridor of Wooden Building # 7 in the 1960s – demolished.
北港媽祖廟考察 A field trip to the Mazu Temple in Beigang.
1966年杜爾文教授(James E. Dew)接任所長
Prof. James E. Dew assumed office as Director in 1966.
Multimedia teaching in early days
Careers in Shanghai: The Social Guidance of Personal Energies in a Developing Chinese City, 1949-1966
作者:White, Lynn Townsend
書目:White, Lynn T. Careers in Shanghai: the Social Guidance of Personal Energies in a Developing Chinese City: 1949-1966. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1978.